national pygmy goat association of australia


Each enthusiast has the chance to direct where this tiny animal will end up in approximately 10 years time.  Importers of genetics play a role but breeders “grading up” will play the dominant role in creating the breed.

The conventional way to breed to purity is to only use 100 % imported bloodlines over existing small goats, moving from 1/2 cross to 3/4  to 7/8 etc in consecutive matings. In this case, Australia only has access to the USA version of the pygmy due to Australian import quarantine conditions. The quarantine restrictions are based around avoiding the introduction of diseases that may contaminate our cattle and goat herds and sheep flocks here in Australia. 

Being forced to source our base only from the USA limits the colour and type range to approximate the USA standard.

Both the British and Irish Pygmy Clubs standards are more flexible, they have allowed for a more diverse range of colours and patterns to become available to breeders.

As with colour, the current rules set down by NPGAA with regard to type are very flexible. The NPGAA accepts all colours without exception or bias, and over time will define colours as we learn more about them. At the same time, the base colours are going to be very dominant, while new colours and variations will challenge the enthusiast to establish and refine them.

NPGAA will encourage breeders to approach the breed standard in whatever direction they wish to explore. 

Some may cross lower percentages together, creating a huge amount of diversity. This methodology will be a cheap option, but it will take longer to implant the finer points of the pygmy into their stock. Others may do the same thing working with parents with higher percentages and less variation in type and variety.

From such mating many new genes from the Australian goat population will move across into the Pygmy breed. Genes such as fertility, fecundity, parasite resistance, feet and leg strength will aid in the health of our strain.

Fashion gene’s pulled and dragged around from decisions made by judges in the show ring, will be more diverse giving the breeder more room to explore variations. The Australian version of the pygmy as it develops will be able to display options, that other countries animals cannot.

Currently there are a handful of Full blood (animals whose entire ancestry goes back to imported genetics) Pygmy’s in Australia. They are deemed 100%. The rest of the animals that claim pygmy status in Australia are part of the Purebred population.

In theory, a pure bred can never reach Full blood status. This situation has been the grounds for animal associations all over the world, to split and go separate ways.

NPGAA has the opportunity to create history by setting 2 targets and re-define the term Pure.

It is proposed the NPGAA ruling is that any animal that is pedigreed greater than or equal to 90% pygmy is deemed pure.

On September 30 th 2032 the herd book will be closed. Only goats that are over the 90% pedigree proven, degree of purity will be accepted as stud breeding stock. From that day forward any animal below 90% will be reduced to the pet market.

From 30/09/2032 all stock that have moved into the 90 to 100% bracket will be deemed Australian Fullblood/Purebred.

The committee of NPGAA in 2032 will have the right to alter the direction above, but in the meantime, we have approximately 10 generations to develop a pool of livestock that will rival the best in other countries.

NPGAA encourages breeders to explore the genetics available to you, keep your records accurate for the good of the rest of us, and to allow re-creation of individuals as they are pedigreed. 

The future is yours to influence and create perfection in an animal that gives affection, performance and pleasure to all that comes in contact with it.